Saturday, 31 January 2015

Memebox Shara Shara Value Set: Review

Suckered in by pretty packaging: guilty as charged.

I have heard good things about the Sake range and this was a good value set, plus the packaging is so pretty.
You got three masks with this, and I am a big fan of the Shara Shara masks. The strawberry one in particular smells like strawberry milkshake and I would definitely repurchase it!

Lotion! I have been getting more into lotion which sounds ridiculous, but I like to use it as well as moisturiser. Everyone needs a bit of moisturisation overload in Winter! This needs using up by October 2015 so I need to use it anyway, but the bottle is so pretty I will forgive its short expiration. I would love to say whether or not this smells like Sake, but I have never had it. Maybe if Memebox hadn't decided to stop shipping to the UK (and most everywhere else!) I would have had time to drink some real sake and compare. Oh well.

Another toner, finally. Along with my Benton Snail Bee toners I finally have enough to last me. This again expires October 2015 so this went straight into rotation. The bottle is beautiful and practical, unlike some toner bottles which drip out so slowly. Great for if you spill it but terrible when you actually just want some toner on your cotton pad!

I took this photo a while back. I could have retaken it, but my current apathy towards Memebox and not shipping international prevents me from doing so. This is a lovely night cream. It expires in October again so is getting used. The bottle is pretty and not actually blurry in real life.

If you are still interested in buying from Memebox and do not live in the US, China and Korea then you best hop to it as shipping will cease after that.

Martha x

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